Thursday, May 28, 2009


Did you ever let a bad thing get you down? Did you ever have a dream that fell by the wayside?
If you haven't you probably haven't lived that long.
Life can seem like such a struggle sometimes. The last several months have been some of the toughest our country has faced in my life time. Fortunes have been lost, jobs and homes. People have had to cut back and learn to live with less. I wonder what we've learned? Some of us, will no doubt be stronger for the experience. Some will feel that it ruined them. Some of those that feel it ruined their lives may be much more fortunate than those that will be bettered by it.
What is the difference in those two examples?
Certainly, you can look at character, work ethic and even faith. BUT - where the difference really is - is in the decision.
Being happy is a decision.
Being successful is a decision.
Being miserable is a decision.

You see, we all have bad days, we all have broken hearts ... some of us have been down the road to financial ruin and back again ... but the people that make it back from any bad circumstance make a decision that it will not affect them. That they will shed their tears and they resign themselves to the feelings the "thing" creates, but it doesn't change who they are or what they are striving to do during their time here on earth.

In the book I am co-writing with my dear Friend Templeton Thompson, we talk a lot about keeping your focus. Some of the most troublesome times you can have in your life have more to do with indecision than any other circumstance. But once you decide what to do ... there is freedom in that choice.
"Clean Thinking" is not about the power of positive thought, which Templeton and I do both feel has strong mojo! Clean Thinking is about the power of decision, maintaining focus on what you've decided and learning to keep making the choice to get there no matter what!
We hope that Clean Thinking is a culmination of all we've learned and observed in our own careers and by meeting and getting to know not only successful people ... but happy, content people.
Find the freedom you are looking for and get on the track to happiness.

Abundant Blessings,

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Horse Industry related news and opinions as well as personal observations about life, love and horsiness from HorseSouth Magazine founder and publisher Tess Vanattia.

About Me

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I'm Tess the owner and founder of HorseSouth Magazine. The south's BEST horse publication. I am 38 years old. I am happily married to a wonderful guy. We have 3 beautiful children, 4 horses, 2 dogs and a very busy life.